This test validates the WebIDL included in the Navigation Timing specification.
interface PerformanceTiming { readonly attribute unsigned long long navigationStart; readonly attribute unsigned long long unloadEventStart; readonly attribute unsigned long long unloadEventEnd; readonly attribute unsigned long long redirectStart; readonly attribute unsigned long long redirectEnd; readonly attribute unsigned long long fetchStart; readonly attribute unsigned long long domainLookupStart; readonly attribute unsigned long long domainLookupEnd; readonly attribute unsigned long long connectStart; readonly attribute unsigned long long connectEnd; readonly attribute unsigned long long secureConnectionStart; readonly attribute unsigned long long requestStart; readonly attribute unsigned long long responseStart; readonly attribute unsigned long long responseEnd; readonly attribute unsigned long long domLoading; readonly attribute unsigned long long domInteractive; readonly attribute unsigned long long domContentLoadedEventStart; readonly attribute unsigned long long domContentLoadedEventEnd; readonly attribute unsigned long long domComplete; readonly attribute unsigned long long loadEventStart; readonly attribute unsigned long long loadEventEnd; }; interface PerformanceNavigation { const unsigned short TYPE_NAVIGATE = 0; const unsigned short TYPE_RELOAD = 1; const unsigned short TYPE_BACK_FORWARD = 2; const unsigned short TYPE_RESERVED = 255; readonly attribute unsigned short type; readonly attribute unsigned short redirectCount; }; interface Performance { readonly attribute PerformanceTiming timing; readonly attribute PerformanceNavigation navigation; }; partial interface Window { [Replaceable] readonly attribute Performance performance; };